You could say that Tammy Glover, in many ways, is the face of Value Vinyls. Her infectious smile and bright personality have been radiant at the company for the last 22 years! Yes, that is not a typo… Tammy has been an important part of Value Vinyls for close to a quarter century and believe me, she knows her vinyl! We have customers that refuse to visit with anyone else!
Tammy is a Texas girl born and raised here all her life. She has a golden heart and is always doing something special for someone in the office. Be it making a cake for a birthday or handing out candy at her desk to anyone who walks by, she is always making someone smile.
Tammy knows much about the internal mechanics of Value Vinyls and is always ready to lend a hand where needed. She has held down a number of positions but her love for our valued customers has always brought her back to customer service and she wears the title of Sales Support Specialist with honor and conviction.
Known for her customer relations, Tammy strives to make certain every order she handles, large or small gets the individual attention to detail and expedient results that will meet her expectations. Everything from what the customer orders to providing the best shipment options available are a priority.
Tammy goes above and beyond to arrive at a positive outcome. For example, one day our phones went down and she immediately jumped into action to offer up her cell phone number so we could reroute all our incoming calls to her phone. She was one busy girl that day until the phones were fixed but did it with a smile and happy to assist in an otherwise bad situation.
We are certainly miles ahead of the curve with Tammy being a loyal and important part of Value Vinyls, but to be honest, every customer that crosses paths with Tammy is getting the Gold Star Treatment! Of course, it goes without saying that our Customer Service Specialists whom she works with, Kimber Easthom and Amanda Bledsoe have only benefited from their working relationships and are assured to provide that same Gold Star Treatment!